As Hei glances to the group, who some of already took their leave, he also stands up and walks for the door. He knew that now was the time to see how they would fight in groups, how they would fight with each other in a mission... And if they will succeed or not. Although Hei never shares his past with others, they also wouldn't know about the humans he already had killed, for his name they gave him, truelly reasembled him... Death... It was what he did best, taking lives with just a finger snap... Hei walked towards his office, wich only was filled with a simple desk, a bookcase and a door leading to his own room, as wich he entered it. As Hei came into his room, he locked the door, took off his mask and threw his coat on top of the coach that was standing in his room. His room was filled with different weapon racks, all holding different kind of chains, each with a different aspect to them, or some as a back-up for if the first one breaks... Hei walked towards the window as he then glances outside, the sky was filled with stars, and soon their mission would start... But the decision of what to do when they screw up... Would he intervene? Or would he just let them die out there?... Hei sat down on a chair, wich was standing infornt of a desk that was in his room, the bookcases that also stood around the desk holded more information than the one in his office, for this was information he alone needed. But for now he woudn't even glance in one of the books, he only stared out of the window, as he also saw his reflection in the window, he stoop up, walked towards his mask that he placed ontop of one of the weapon racks and placed it back on his head, as he then grabbed his jacket, put it on and walked out of his room again. Perhaps it was time to make sure his skills weren't getting old... As he then descended towards the training rooms. As he walked into the room, he noticed Alice, Amaya and Ntombi in the room aswell, from beneath his mask a small smile appeared but wasn't seeable by the others. Hei walked towards some of the dummies, as he then let's go of his chains, who now were dragged upon the ground. As he clicked upon a button the dummies started to move, some even 'attacking', well more like bumping into you, for injuries weren't something you needed just before a mission. Hei ready's his chains as the dummies started to attack in formations, With just a simple jump into the air, Hei threw his chains towards the dummies, as one by one their heads came off. Leaving the dummies broken, as they also didn't moved again Hei sighns.... The chains were to easy to control, and his enemies always fell swift... but for once he wanted to find an enemy worth fighting, who also would make it hard on him...