Amaya sat there silently as she polished both swords. She heard someone enter the training grounds, but she didn't bother to look. Soon after, she could hear the firing of a gun, and that gave away the person's identity. It was Alice. They haven't talked to each other that much, but Amaya knew that she was liable when it came to missions. A probable reason why Death trusted her. Both of them shared the trait of being quiet, not out of being shy, but just because they preferred to be that way. Amaya was never good at making friends - not that she wanted to in the first place. At a young age, she already witnessed the horrible death of her parents. Shortly after, her sister followed. She was used to the silence of not having anyone to talk to. Besides, she preferred silence over -- Amaya's thoughts were disrupted when someone kicked the doors to the training grounds; the sound loud enough to pull her out of her deep thoughts. She was disinterested in whoever caused it, and she didn't bother herself with looking. It was when she heard a loud, boisterous, voice, that a deep sigh was dragged out of her lips."Right, brat, where have you gone and hid-...ah, there we go! Not much of a hider, are we? I'm Ntombi!" The girl hollered. Amaya's eyes remained glued to the sword, not even acknowledging her teammate's presence. "A....uh, Amaya, right? RIGHT. I knew that. We're going to be best friends, you and I, as soon as you stop buggering off to spend some private time with your swords over making plans for these tests." She didn't have to look at her to be able to tell that she was eyeing her with a contemptuous look. How bothersome indeed. Amaya was almost done polishing the sword, so she decided that she would finish this task before jumping on to another - which was conversing with Ntombi. Amaya would rather take on a hundred soldiers at once, by herself, than talk to Ntombi. No, she didn't dislike her, but she didn't have the energy to listen to her loud ranting all the day long. Besides, it wasn't worth her time. Ntombi grew closer and closer; stopping when she was inches away from her face. "So, Amaya, what are -you- good at, aside from hitting training dummies with a bit of metal?" She couldn't help but notice the slight movement she made, suggesting that she was ready to defend herself incase she attacked; which was unnecessary might she add, because she does not turn her blade against her allies. It felt strange calling Ntombi an ally, but she was, nevertheless. Amaya finally finished polishing, so she sheathed both swords behind her back before looking at Ntombi; dead straight in the eyes. She stood up and looked at her calmly, as if she just noticed her presence. "I don't tell, I show." She replied in a nonchalant manner. "As for the plan.. it's simple, really. Send. their. heads. rolling. You can do that, right?" Her voice lacked interest and emotion. It sounded dull and lifeless, just like the expression on her face. Her eyes were stone cold, and she didn't bat an eye as she walked away without another word.