Ntombi straightened up, peering down at Amaya after her reply. She had...literally nothing. No sort of emphasis, no emotion, she was just dull and lifeless and that bored Ntombi greatly. [i]"Well, aren't you just a peach? Hiding behind a blank face, most likely to, heh, seek revenge on some terrible life events. Well, you stick to that plan for a while then; looks like I AM babysitting after all."[/i] sighed Ntombi heavily. Why must she do all the work? Death had walked in and probably just saw Amaya walk out and leave her, so that might reflect badly on her test scores...ditching a team-mate like that. How rude.

But Ntombi wasn't one to give up!

[i]"Hey, hey..Amaya. AMAYA!"[/i] yelled Ntombi, waving her arms in the air. [i]"Come show me how you fight!"[/i] she continued, pointing towards one of the dummies right as Death decapitated it. Bloody show-off. At least this way, she'd be able to measure out the fighting tactics of each member and then...and then...what, make up a plan? Ntombi looked away, staring at Death whilst her brain melted at the thought of doing any tactical work. She didn't have the right mind for that, all her thoughts ran amok in her brain and she can't sit still long enough to draw out even the simplest of maps.

Well, she had one tactic at least...Ntombi mused a little as she watched Death lob off the head of another dummy. It couldn't hurt to try, and what's the worst that could happen anyways? She'll get yelled at, that's what. Ntombi glanced over at Kah...katsi? Hatsi? Whatever his name was, and replied with [i]"Well, that's what I'm going to find out."[/i]

[i]"oh DIDDLES!"[/i] called Ntombi, prancing over to Death excitedly and then trying to lean over his shoulder and observe the 'dead' dummies lying on the floor. [i]"Nice shot..."[/i] she murmurs, before pushing herself away from Death and folding her arms across her chest. Her eyes flickered left and right as if she was trying to read Death like a book. [i]"What's up with these tests? I'm not the best of the best, granted...but why am I with these little brats?"[/i]

Ntombi gestured vaguely to where Amaya and Katsomething were, once, pulling a face of disgust. She swayed a little, clearly unable to stand still whilst she waited for a reply and probably a backhand to the face for cheeking her fearless and intimidating leader like this.