Hei turned around as he heard THAT word... Diddles... The only person who would say that was... Ntombi... Hei glanced at her, as his dark and cold eyes glanced at her. [b]"Just for the fun of it, to see how you shall strugle with the team I placed you in, as punishment for calling me Diddles!"[/b] Hei was lieing at this part, for the tests weren't to punish anyone, and yet he just wanted to see her reaction. As Hei glanced past her, he noticed Katsu, another one who truelly wonders what these tests are about, as Hei could see from his reaction. [b]"Alice, I'll be out for a moment, you keep your word, and do what was writen on the card"[/b] Hei walked passed Ntombi [b]"And be warned Ntombi, for if you fail, then there is more trouble for you and your team"[/b] Hei loved to talk in mysteries, for he hated to be an open book to anyone. As he walked out of the training room, he walked upstairs towards Alice her room, as he entered it, he glanced around, Alice was still at the shooting range... Good... He walked towards her case where she always placed her sniper in. As he looked at the door, he glanced back at the case and entered the four digits. As it opened, Hei took out every single bullet, leaving just enough for one clip. As Hei stood up, he closed the case again and placed it back just the way it was, as he then placed the bullet within his jacket. Hei walked out of Alice her room, as he then went towards the roof, from wich where he would go into the city, before the entire team would start their tests... Or atleast one of the teams... [b][i][s]SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET!!![/s][/i][/b] As Hei returns, he goes straight for his own room, locking it, and placing the boxes of bullets within the drawer of his desk. He keeps one box within his jacket, for if things truelly got out of hand... Now let's see how even Alice would react to something like this... When she will have lesser bullets than there will be needed...