[i]"Well, aren't you just a peach? Hiding behind a blank face, most likely to, heh, seek revenge on some terrible life events. Well, you stick to that plan for a while then; looks like I AM babysitting after all."[/i] Amaya walked past Katsu and continued to walk away without a word. Ntombi was right about revenge, but along the years, it became something deeper than that. Although what she said about revenge didn't bother her in the slightest, the babysitting part did. However, she payed no mind. She didn't feel the need to prove herself to others. What others thought of her was not significant at all; not even in a slight degree. She simply does and says whatever she wants without caring about what others thinks about it. Afterall-- [i]"Hey, hey..Amaya. AMAYA!" yelled Ntombi, waving her arms in the air. "Come show me how you fight!"[/i] And again. Her thoughts were disrupted by Ntombi's loudness. She signed and placed a hand over her eye, applying a little pleasure. The night was surely going to be eventful. With another sigh, she stopped in her tracks and turned around; only to see Ntombi hanging around Death. [i]"oh DIDDLES!"[/i] She chimed. Amaya rested her hand over her hip, looking at them with disinterest. Well, it was probably worth seeing this scene unfold. [i]"Nice shot..."[/i] she murmurs. Amaya continued to stare at them blankly; waiting for anything interesting to happen. [i]"What's up with these tests? I'm not the best of the best, granted...but why am I with these little brats?"[/i] Okay, that was it. She was bored. Amaya turned around and continued to walk away, not sparing them a second glance. She was supposed to spend her time training but it looks like things didn't go the way she had planned it to. Might as well go hunting--or steal, yeah, that would be fun. Besides, she could use the extra cash to buy important things, such as... chocolate cake. As she walked out of the training grounds, she couldn't help but feel slightly suspicious. The Night Raiders were capable assassins who executed their missions without problem, so why would Death test them? To be more specific, why now? She wasn't sure whether she was over thinking things like she always did, but it was a possibility to consider -- that Death had other plans laid out for them, that is. But whatever it was, she would make sure to pass the test with flying colors. For now, it was time to get some cake.