He liked the feel of her trying to squeeze out. Truth is Jax made it as hard as possible without letting on he was awake. At least he didn’t grab Nicki. There was that. He played dead with a broad grin on his face. But that was better than putting his hands where they really wanted to go. She would never understand his gentleman restraints. Then she was gone. Jax laid still for a while. Slowly like the crawl of a starfish he opened his eyes. He glanced ahead and saw an empty bottle and some book opened right by it. Fitting. When his eyes cleared more he realized it was a sketch book more than a book. Mother of warms water it was a drawing of him! How the hell could she manage a straight line when he fell the fuck over, was his first thought. He looked at it blinking the hangover haze away some. It did him favors that picture. He rather liked it. He almost reached for it to take a better look but somehow the idea that if he touched it would fade ran through him. No, he should keep a distance. Still, he liked the picture and the idea. Nicki had put his image down. What does that mean? First it means the gorgeous gal has too many talents. What can’t she do? Damn her! Jax almost wanted her to fuck up something big time like….like….oh he was too fuzzy to even think of anything. She was a hot mess with too many damn fine pieces. That’s it. She was a nut case. One he had to admit he was dreaming about cracking. Well, not as in going crazy but more in shedding that hard shell and letting him inside. Damn Jax felt his body swirl at the idea of inside Nicki. He must still be drunk. No way Ms First Mate, Smart Doctor, Book Saver, Smooth Voice, Grand Drinker, Sexy Body, Talented Drawer would let him anywhere close. But she did draw him. And she called his name. Did he hear right? Was that her? He pushed himself off the bed sure he left his brain behind and went to the door. It was her. He could almost feel her on the other side. He smiled and in a tease answered back softly, “Who’s there?” He cuckled at his own joke but paid the price with a rush of heavy pounding between his ears. Jax cracked the door almost ready to tell her he wasn’t accepting visitors when he saw two cups in her hand. One for him? He opened the door and took a step back. He should slip out maybe. As she went in he could slid out. He could stretch right outside her door and let them all think what they wanted. Could be good for him. Well, that would depend what he really wanted, the fleeting adiration of sailors or another chance to spend time with Nicki. He stood by the slightly opened door to let her in and managed to stay on his feet even though his body wanted to fall down. “For me?” He reached for one. “You are beginning to like me, admit it.” He teased. “I can wear on you.” “I would slip out a window and down the ivy wall but.” He shrugged and looked out the door. “Should I just walk out?” He glanced out to the sunshine and winced sure he would turn to ashes if he had to step out there. He looked back to her and for the first time saw some evidence that the morning after was not so easy for her either. Still, that Nicki was a nice thing to look at. He tried to shake his head and pull his eyes away but everything sort of squished around including a bit of the tea slipping over the cup in his hands. “I better go.” Jax sort of stumbled toward the door but hit the wall. “I might be……” With that oh so familiar sound of a leftover party, a night overdone, one hundred drinks too many Jax turned to the corner and left loose that digested disgusting smelling rot of vomit in the corner of Nicki’s cabin. He didn’t even try to cover his mouth. He let it all out in one big hurl and then stood and took a drink of the tea. Jax felt so much better.