Now, although he would have loved to chase after jack and find out whats flowing through his head, Arua was going to head up and get the address. Afterwards, though, he would have no problem searching for Jack and seeing what had caused him to flee so suddenly. [i]"Well shoot! Aren't you two just the perfect men I need in my life!"[/i] He couldn't help but sarcastically think [i] Well I am perfect, and twice the man anyone would ever need[/i]. He put himself on the spotlight for a second and laughed to himself, he quickly stopped thinking about such nonsense and was already on his way upstairs towards the dorm. However, due to his waiting around and slight interest in Jack running off, he was in no hurry at all. On his way up, his boredom and curiosity began to take hold and the urge to run after the others and just see what was going on was becoming stronger and stronger. However, he didn't want to follow those guys around until he had the address, cause he knew jack wasn't going to get it. Arua also wanted to take a second to slightly polish his blade, a little activity he had been putting off for a while now. Who should have a sword if they weren't willing to let it shine when it was unsheathed? An ugly blade is a dull blade. At least, thats how Arua felt about it.