Gin grumbled silently to himself as he sat on the ground with his back against the wall, fiddling with his boot-laces once again. A few people had passed by and eventually he had come to a dead stop instead of continuing onwards to the training grounds. Maybe he shouldn't have stopped and sat down, but the thought of trying to deal with the laces of his boots was more appealing than being over there. Though it was not like he couldn't use a bit more practice before the night, but, shoes were more important. At least that is what someone had told him. But he couldn't quite force himself to like them, even if they protected his feet from sharp objects on the ground and his toes if he was kicking things... It was all lies and confusion though. If you tied them too tightly your feet went numb, if you tied them too loosely they slipped off of your feet while walking, if you didn't tie them at all you flung them across the room by simply getting out of your chair. He hated shoes, almost as much as he hated cloths. They were still constricting at times, even if they were loose. They smelled if you didn't wash them and blood stained them if the cloth wasn't dark enough... it was all so complicated, Gin felt as his head rolled back against the wall with a sudden groan of irritation. Eventually he pulled his right shoe off and had it sitting on his left knee with the entire length of its lace on his right knee. Probably best to try to re-lace this boot before tonight anyhow, it was always the one that fell off while he was running. And seeing as he would be working with others for a while, and they would be punished if he messed up, he should at least take a bit of precaution for his common occurrences. Quickly grabbing the lace and the boot he set to work. [i]In one hole, out the other. Again. And again. And again. [/i] It took him only a few minutes, but all he had successfully managed to do was tie four knots in four of the eight holes.