Jack smirked as he took out his spear with what was used to be hostile intentions. [i]How endearing...[/i] His expression returned to a still rather uncomfortingly happy as he then noted that the spear was away. [i]No fucked up foreplay today hmmm?[/i] A bit of a giggle escaped his lips before paying attention to what he was saying and not his spear. He warned him to not sneak up on him and then asked him a question. [i]"What do you need?"[/i] "Oxygen, water, food, and an audience." The amount of sarcasm in his tone made it rather obvious... That he was being sarcastic. "I feel the need to consult you on how many children and illnesses were made when you were in the courtyard with..." Jack didn't quite know everyone's names. How embarassing, the joke was ruined partially. "... Some lady fellow." Jack kinda dismissed the talk of going to the capital unil he realized there are people in the capitol. Perhaps he would come along and select his audience?