Jack dully noted his cold glare, walk, and statement. "The last thing we needed in the team was another psycho." [i]Psycho? Psychotic? No. Not at all. That is suggesting I am mad. Ixnay. Never. My mind is functioning perfectly. I am Jack Trottel, I am 20 years old..... and am capable of not slaughtering this bastard who dare call me psychotic.[/i] Jack followed Katsu despite the resentful bitter glares. He childishly stuck his tongue out at him while following behind him and in an unsophisticated manner responded, "Your no fun...." As if they were two children who could not agree on a game to play. Except Jack was the only one really being a child. "Have a sense of humor..." He kept up with Katsu's pace and partially anticipated him attempting to impale him on his spear and create some kind of kabob. [i]... I'd probably taste rather bitter....[/i] Oh well, Jack found his own jokes amusing and like a painter, what it is in the eyes of the creator matters right? No... fuck that. He'd find some way to make Katsu laugh eventually... In the meantime Katsu will have an unwanted companion trotting behind him grinning.