Nyima smiled at him when he spoke well of what she had done. She looked around the room when he said that he believed she should practice what he had taught her. She nodded, "Will do," She began to shift slightly in her stance, like she was worried about what she was going to say. She looked up at him, "But... between walking and training and not sleeping until late and not sleeping very well.... I'm quite tired... But I promise to practice when I can." She bowed to him, "Thank you for helping me," when she righted, she smiled, "Good Night." She slipped passed him and into the room that he has designated her's. Once changed, she curled up on the bed and was out like a light. ~~~~~~ The next morning she stood on the mat with a small glass of the water.in front of her. She slowly flowed through the movements, the water not even moving. Her eyes were closed as she fluidly from stance to stance. The water started to move out of the cup and around the room as continued her exercise.