[b][center]Lila[/b][/center] [b]After making a fool of herself in front of Katsu, Lila had a minor break down in her room. She was angry that everything came out like that. She felt the cold metal in her hand now, it was the golden heart shape necklace that her mother gave to her, for her 9th birthday. It had a picture of her and her parents in it. She always wore it around her neck. She got even angrier after looking at it. [i]"I will find out who killed you, and when I do..."[/i] Lila stopped herself from talking, she just picture herself with her sword, hovering over the person who killed her parents, and she was cutting them in half, from pelvic to their hairline, slow and painful was the way they deserved to die, for what they did. Lila stood up, she grabbed her sword from the case in her closet. She unlocked her door and headed to the training room, to blow some steam off by attacking some dummies. She dragged her sword behind her like always. When she went to the training room, she saw that Ntombi, the craziest bitch alive helping Gin tie his shoes, he still didn't know how to tie his shoes. She walked into the room, a split second didn't even past before she jumped in the air, and she strikes a dummy, she had cut it's head clean off. It wasn't the same as seeing blood on the ground, but stuffing would have to do for now. She kept slicing, and slicing, it felt good to do something, to get rid of this anger for now.[/b]