Nikaido sighed, waking up from a daydream, how long was she even out? Shrugging to herself, she lazily cleaned the mess of dirty bandages and stuffed them in a plastic bag that served as a trash container. Lately Nikaido could feel the difference in her weight without her prosthetic, and it was pretty significant, she noted. She never did really think about her prosthetic as anything but something to keep her from tipping over, but all sorts of thoughts began to fill her head, maybe she could become something more! Nikaido shook her head, that stupid prick Arua got inside her head, him and his stupidly attractive face. Nikaido giggled at her her own thoughts, she was all over the place, there was no way she would be prepared for a mission in such a scattered state. Maybe some food would really do her good; hastily redressing herself and strapping the prosthetic snuggly around her stump, Nikaido made a second copy of the address before hobbling out her room. Down the hall Nikaido slipped the paper underneath the door to what she was sure was Arua's room, heck, it had his name taped to the front like each and every door, and also she could hear the all to familiar sound of metal being sharpened. Satisfied with her job, Nikaido moved on to her umpteenth battle with the stairs. Nikaido could have sworn that her life might have ended seven different ways once she reached the bottom; maybe she should petition for the next warehouse to be one with an elevator. After gathering her bearings, Niakido moved on to find Jack, since as far as she knew, he wasn't in his quarters; she checked, where could he possible have gone? Exiting the warehouse Nikaido caught the sight of two figures walking towards the neighboring district, spotting the unmistakeable top hat of Jack. Picking up her crutch in her good hand, Nikaido broke into a graceless mixture of a strut and a jog, "Trottel!" Nikaido waved for attention, calling out Jack by his last name; old habits die hard she supposed. "Hey Trottel! Where you goin'? Thought you and I were going to have a romantic session over ice cream?" she pouted childishly, huffing between breaths trying to gather her bearings again, swiftly following the two as they walked at a strangely increasing pace. Forgetting that there was someone other than her teammate, Nikaido turned her attention to the second person, she couldn't quite remember his name at the moment, "Trying to steal my teammate are ya?" She growled playfully, "Ah shit I almost forgot your name!" Nikaido bit her lip running through her mental list of people she would remember. "Takata! That's right, you're Katsu Takata! I'm Nikaido, call me Nikky or whatever floats your boat." She chirped cheerfully, she sure has been making awesome introductions lately, she thought to herself.