Did she just call him pussy? Irritated shock rolled over his eyes for a minute. But it was followed quickly by a the realization of humor and Jax found himself smiling again. He threw his head back and managed a laugh that would have hurt his head before. He put his tea down, lowered his head back to look at her, and with both hands ripped open his shirt. “Oh you have so exposed me beautiful ball busting Nicki.” He puffed out his chest. “My faults and weaknesses seem to drip at your feet.” He slipped his arms out and crumpled his shirt into one hand. He pushed his hand with the shirt inside over his heart in a Jax dramatic moment. Then he spun around and gathered what he had so inartfully dumped on her floor in the folds of the nice worn shirt. It wasn’t until her floor was pretty clean and the shirt was not that he looked at the no longer nice blue color and realized something. This was not his shirt. He just smeared vomit all over the Captains nice blue dress shirt. Damn. He sat back on his heels and thought for a minute. Well, some story would have to be embellished. And a shirt was owed. He managed to keep the spilled late night drunkenness inside the blue as he quickly opened that small hatch of her tiny window and tossed it out with force that carried it over the deck and into the sea. Maybe no one saw. He sat on the floor, almost right where he just cleaned up and took hold of the tea again. After another sip he tasted the stuff really for the first time and made a face that showed his hangover still hanging on and the drinks bitter flavor. “Now, don't you go gloating over your victories just yet, iron stomach. I plan to prove my worth,” He looked up and grinned at her “somehow.” He took another sip and shook his head to chase the sour taste down. “If nothing else I can prove to be tenacious.” He looked up to the small round window he had just thrown something that was not his threw. And he figured he might as well share more. "Shit," He added not looking at Nicki, "That was the Captain's shirt."