Double, your concerns are valid. The vote was to gauge how everyone felt about each world; if no one voted for a particular world that we felt would be good, even if we really wanted to add it we would look elsewhere. Sadly, the converse is not true. Just because some worlds got good votes does not mean they'd be automatically included. I was the one who compiled the final list of worlds, Wayward just accepted it, so if you're going to be upset with someone be upset with me. I didn't feel like The Emperor's New Groove or The Hunchback of Notre Dame fit with the themes we were trying to convey, nor did they offer much wiggle room creatively. When I tried to think of Emperor's New Groove, admittedly a favorite of mine, all that kept popping back into my head was Pride Lands... but with llamas. Haha, that's an exaggeration of course, as I'm sure there are other ways to take it, but it just didn't feel right to me. So, that's what it boiled down to. What feels right. I'm sorry if you felt the vote was superfluous, and in a way, maybe it was. We used it to trim possible worlds rather than elect them. Perhaps I should have been more straightforward with what the vote constituted. If you notice, all I said was that Wayward and I would take the votes into consideration, not that they'd be the end-all-be-all of the RP. Lastly, yes, Sin hit the nail on the head. If this was an expansive RP with more than eight participants and posts coming in multiple times per day, we'd have more worlds. That's just the bottom line. Jest and I discussed this at length as well via PM. He wanted to have more worlds and I wanted less. I don't see the reason of adding worlds that we'll never visit during the course of the RP just to add more "Disney stuff." If you notice, that isn't exactly the focus of the RP. We are focused more on our characters that, yes, hail from original worlds. The Disney worlds will be visited as part of the story, and a rather large part at that, but if that isn't enough for you then maybe this isn't the RP you're looking for. If anyone else has any questions regarding the world selection, please feel free to ask. We are always open to these kinds of things and we want to be as transparent as possible with our players. Again, I will ask you to trust us on this. The world selection we have chosen will suit the RP very well. However, you don't need to trust us blindly. If you have questions or concerns, please voice them, like our friend Double did.