[quote=Sin] [b](1)How is Disney stuff being cut out?[/b] The worlds Kurai listed are all based on those Disney movies as worlds in KH are. There's probably only going to be four (Disney) worlds because [b](2)I (personally) don't think the RP will last that long.[/b] There's only so many reasons we'd need to jump around six or so worlds. [b](3)It's different in the game because there's Heartless to slay, bosses to beat, and story progression to be made, whereas this RP is moreso centered around the Light & Dark Masters & their Apprentices, so there's no need for extra focus on Disney worlds.[/b] In a slow-moving RP such as this one, so many worlds isn't necessary, in my opinion, at least. [/quote] 1. I didn't say "all", I said "most". Pretty big difference. 2. That's a rather pessimistic way to plan a game, if you ask me. 3. Birth By Sleep was the same and yet it found a way to make it work. Ergo, that excuse doesn't hold water. So let me pose one question. If this is a "slow-moving RP where many worlds aren't necessary" then how, if I may, is there still room for a pointless mini-game centric world like Toy Story? From how it was described, the Toychest is pure filler and could easily be cut in favor of something else. Or just cut entirely if, as you say, we have no need for so many worlds.