Double, I feel like you're arguing out of anger here, rather than actually trying to prove a point. Your initial point was that you wanted more worlds, right? Well your last sentence is passive-aggressively stating that there's no need for even four, "if, as we say, we have no need for so many worlds." Which is it? Are you looking out for our principles, or are you arguing for your own? Or perhaps you're just trying to poke holes in our logic rather than proving your own? Yes, it's a slow moving RP. You've seen it yourself. The IC has been up for two weeks and we have only 15 posts. You're up to post, in fact. The Toychest was not going to be filler, but rather a whimsical addition to lighten up a rather serious roster. The only reason I made the allusion to the Hundred Acre Wood was because they would be accessed similarly. I'm not even sure how a mini-game centric world would work in an RP, but I can assure you that isn't what we have planned. It will be a normal world, a little more lighthearted than the others, that is accessed in a similar way to the Hundred Acre Wood. I just thought it would be fun to do it that way since it seemed like a good nod to the games.