My last statement was requesting for proof of [i]your[/i] logic, with no relation to my own. My own logic hasn't changed, I still wholeheartedly believe that four worlds is too few, especially with so many players. The universe will seem very cramped in that scenario. And since I can already tell someone will ask me to offer proof of my argument first, then fine. My proof is seen plainly in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. Birth By Sleep was a game with a very similar setup to our own, a story centering around apprentices and their relationship to a master. And yet, there existed also a satisfactory number of Disney worlds to keep to the Kingdom Hearts formula. If Birth By Sleep can do it, then I submit to you that we can as well. But if there is no rebuttal anyone is willing to respond with, then perhaps you are right and this truly isn't an RP for me. In which case I will gladly and respectfully take my leave.