[quote=Sin]From what I remember from Sword in the Stone, there wasn't much to it besides the dungeon(?) and scariest villain in any Disney movie. Not sure there's much to do in there? I guess Beast's Castle had the same kind of thing going on, though.[/quote] Scariest Villain? ...I think you're confusing Sword in the Stone with The Black Cauldron. (What with the Horned King.) The Sword in the Stone is the movie about To-Be-King Arthur being taught the way of the world and nature by Merlin, and really only had Mad Madam Mim as a villain(?). Plus there's alot more to that world than a dungeon. (The name of the world would probably be Camelot.) Also, to be fair, Beast's Castle WAS pretty huge. Not quite sure how big the Horned King's castle would be, even if we combine it with the Witches' Swamp. For the record (After some thought, I realized I may have sounded like this was the case.): I'm not upset that it wasn't available, simply curious as to why it wasn't. Especially since, if you look at the Disneycember sum-up of the movie linked on my list, (Seeing the movie would be even better.) It feels like it would fit the theme. (Assuming I'm right with the theme, of course.) [quote=Wayward]@Mike (& Jest): I'm good on the idea of having an idea like that, though the worlds themselves could be write-ins. The only think to remember as far as that goes is that we are operating within an AU setting, so those worlds might not be exactly as they were in the games. [/quote] Thank you, We won't let you or Kurai-Sensei down. :D