Nikaido nearly choked, catching herself from sputtering chewed up chilly dog all over the table. Swallowing before she could spew her food, Nikaido looked up at Jack who was busy shoveling ice cream into his already full mouth. Her face was a faded red from near death and her breathing was a bit uneven from chunks of chilly being logged into her trachea, but she couldn't help but smile and let out a chuckle. Nikaido shook her head, not believing Jack could have such an unbalanced character and still be the jovial chap that sat before her trying to put himself into a sugar coma. She dipped a couple of fries into each sunday and made sure to savor the contrast of sweet and salty, 
"So... anyways..." Nikaido paused, in her peripheral vision she could see someone wave. When she focused her eyes to see who it could be, she was greeted by the smiling face of a guy she called a prick.
She could see Katsu holding something up to the window with a word she was to lazy to read, mouthing something she was to lazy to interpret.
"Well look at what the cat dragged in, looks like your number one fan is back, and I think he got you a present~!" Nikaido sneered playfully. Of course Jack probably wasn't paying attention, or maybe he had the biggest brain freeze by now that he couldn't even move or speak. Nikaido waved back in acknowledgement and also to signal Katsu to come and sit with them.