Calvartem patiently waited for the Death Spire to be complete. While his undead self was ever patient, easily capable of long periods of inactivity, he was unsure about the patience of his new Rogue Being. He had not had the living within his ranks before, so he was uncertain as to how to deal with them. To complicate matters, this was no ordinary living being, for it was formed of obsidian and fire rather than flesh and blood, so he was uncertain of his nature. He waited the next couple of hours it took for the imps to put the last stones in place. Once the tower was complete he approached the side of it and began climbing up the stone rungs embedded into the wall. His movements were less than graceful, but to him that did not matter. Once on top of the tower, he laid his hands on the quartz rock and in a pulse of darkness it glowed blackly, indicating that it had been activated. That task complete, Calvartem descended in much the same manner as he had climbed. In a wave of his staff his imps all faded from existence. He mounted on to Shadowmane and finally turned to address Conquest. "We return to my Dungeon now. There is much to be done, much to be conquered." With that Calvartem galloped south-bound, in the direction of his Dungeon. He doubted that Conquest would keep up if he went at full speed, unless he flew, but even then he was unsure whether that living being's endurance would be enough to match the incredible speed and endurance of the resurrected horse. He was sure not to let Conquest fall too far behind, at whatever pace he made. Eventually they arrived at the Dungeon, although it hardly looked that part save for the Death Spire. There was no other modification to the infrastructure save for that tower. When Conquest had caught up, Calvartem said "My Dungeon Heart is situated within this town. Be sure to defend it from any invasion." Calvartem's speech was slightly hesitant, for he had not found it necessary to ever voice intentions to his subordinates before. He pointed his staff at the ground and 15 imps materialised. "These imps shall work on defences," he continued, "Now, I intend to conquer a port town to the east. That is, if you do not require rest."