He offered a hand to help her up but she stood up on her own, brushing her knees off. "Nothing a little a little water wont take care of." She gave a exhausted smile. As she noticed twigs in her hair. "Okay some water and a brush." Urick gave a small smile and placed his hands behind his back. She does a slight bow before continuing. "Well my well mannered acquaintance, I thank you for your assistance. But now I am to search for a place to clean up. And judging by this madness that would be the village, I can imagine that I will be lucky to find a place that doesn't make me sleep outside." With that she clicks her heals together and starts to walk by Urick. Suddenly the fiend appeared, and while everyone screamed, ran for cover or pulled weapons out, he placed himself between the woman he was speaking with, and the fiend. Moving into a defensive position until he got a better look at the fiend, but another woman on a black chocobo slew the fiend effortlessly. Then turned on Gippal, yelling at him about attracting the fiend. Then shortly cut off by her own chocobo slamming into them and sending them into the water. He took a step but once he saw Gippal was fine he relaxed. He was Gippals bodyguard but not really, he could take care of himself usually so he felt no worry. He decided it was fine to move on ahead and move on with this young lady. But Before he could offer finding her a place to stay, for Gippal had many friends here, Persephone jumped back in to the conversation and offered her place to stay. Pleased he said nothing for the moment but after she introduced herself he added, " My name is Urick... I'm traveling with Gippal over there... Who is in the water right now. What brings you here? Is it the tournament?"