Billy: Billy’s attentioned jumped from the fishes to witness the dagger flying through the air. He wanted to scream - he’d seen enough tv to know what would happened; not in all the intimate details that real life violence forces upon the viewer, but enough. Before the sound could escape his lips, find it’s way out through his mouth, there was a flash, blinding him momentarily. Billy was scared, shaking even, with his arms wrapped around himself and his mouth agape. He had no words for what he just witnessed. No words at all, and with the unknowing, unspeakable, came fear. Fear, crashing in on all sides, destroying the playfulness he shared with the fishes, destroying the laughter he had been so caught up in. He shut his eyes to the word, to force it out; hoping to open them again upon his bedroom. Another bad dream for Mommy to come and wipe away with her knowing smile. Her loving smile. When he opened his eyes the world hadn’t changed. But now an older boy was crouching down next to him. “Hey there. You okay little man?” the boy asked in a soft tone, not fitting his violent looking t-shirt or his chaotic hair. “I...I want my Mommy.” Billy stuttered out. “I’m sure she’ll be around soon.” the boy said, reaching out a hand, “I’m Chris. When this is all over, I’ll help you find her. How’s that sound?” Billy sniffed, his eyes swelling up with tears. “What...What is she?” He pointed at the blonde girl. “I guess… well… I guess she’s a superhero, little man.”