[b][center]Lila[/center][/b] [b]Lila was having a lot of fun, she was in the teen club called "Heaven For The Night", it was the most known club for teens in the city right now. When she was there she used a different identity, her alias was Mimi Waterhouse. No one could know who she was now, if they did, her cover and possibly Night Raid would be over. The club was packed it was fun, but then some creep came over to her. [i]"Hey, beautiful I never saw you around her before."[/i] Lila started to laugh, in a sexy way. [i]"Oh you would remember me, I would make sure you did.[/i] After a few drinks, the guy was wasted, he must've snuck liquor into the underage club. [i]"Hey how about me and you go back to my house to... have some fun?"[/i] Lila helped the guy to his car, a Mercedes, Jackpot, was all Lila could see now. When she got to his house, she made a drink for him, and put a drug in it, After flirting with the guy for awhile, he finally passed out. [i]"Thanks for the fun time handsome."[/i] Lila gave him a kiss on the forehead, and found his wallet, $500 was in the wallet. This could buy a whole lot of things for her. She then grabbed his car keys, and drove to the HQ. Lila didn't like seducing people, but it was the only way to earn some money. Lila made a quick stop to the bakery down the street from the HQ. She was craving red velvet cupcakes. She parked the stolen car, on the side. Lila walked into the shop. [i]"Can I get 10 red velvet cupcakes... to go, please handsome."[/i] Lila was feeling like a new person, after everything that had happen nothing could get her down. She grabbed the cupcakes, from the guy, who gave her his number also. [i]"See you around sexy."[/i] Lila walked off, making sure the guy saw her. He was literally drooling until his boss yelled at him to get back to work. Lila got back in the stolen car, and drove to the HQ, or the Hell Hole as she likes to call it. [/b]