As the Cloaked teenager finally decided to get up and decorate his new room he noticed a the girl who had the blades and nicely greeted him. [i]'She's only pretending to be nice. Something's not good about her. Though... She does seem nice at least... but can I trust her? '[/i] thought the Teenager as he watched her walk inside her own. He then started to place large markings along the room creating large rune-like markings the same way he made them on the door. Soon he saw another girl come out of her room and stared at him as though he was a freak or a criminal and with a shrug she began to walk away. He after just looking at her for only a second he already could tell by her facial expressions and body movements that she despised him for some reason. Even so he just shrugged it off and continued to "decorate" his room the the mystical writings on the walls as he then walked towards one of his books and opened it up in search for magic runes that he could write and after finding some good ones he walked back to the wall again and begun to write on the walls just like before, this time however, slowly and carefully not to mess it up. As he was about to finish with the first rune, which was right at the back of the door he noticed the kid in the yellow tights flashed by as he was almost finished with the single simple magic rune on the back of the door. [b]" Ummm... Dude?... What are you doing??"[/b] asked the kid in the yellow tights as the masked teenager finished the rune as it glowed blue and red for only a second before appearing as though it was was just cut and burned. The ward was placed there to keep people from getting in without invitation though since the teen in the yellow tights was already inside the magic masked teenager could assume that it does not work on people who are already inside... a stupid ward if he said so himself. Turning around once he finished the protective ward for his room he looked at the kid in the yellow tights, slightly confused on the question. [b]" What do you mean?"[/b] asked the cloaked teenager. The question was odd for the cloaked individual as he looked directly at the teen's eyes slightly confused if there was some sort of issue... [i]'Maybe humans don't like gold in their homes? but we're to live here so that must mean we all share.... I should be able to have my things in my living space.'[i] thought the teenager as he looked at his hoard for only a second to make sure it's not too messy before looking back at the kid infront of him. In the back of his mind though he wasn't comfortable with this kid in yellow tights being here at all. He already had two fights with him thus far and while he was anxious for another chance show him a thing or two, he also didn't want to mess up his newfound room. Looking down for a second after giving him a sigh the teenager in the black cloak shook his head and then looked back at the speedster. [b]" Apologies for rudeness though I'd prefer it if you leave my living room until I've finished fixing it up."[/b] Said the Teenager as he tried to sound friendly as he spoke while he faced the door and opened his palm to respectfully show his first unexpected guest the door before looking back at him and continuing. [b]" Please. [/b] His mask began to throw a wave of red light across his mask's glowing runes before both of the glowing colors dimmed.