(Terribly sorry for the wait.) Adam looked towards Alice, the woman, actually it seemed everyone at this point began to head after him, if not to run from whatever the rabbit fears, then to find out what these watches are exactly directly from the running rabbit. He listened to Connor as he apparently deduces the situation. "[b]It looks that way. The actual novel aside, if the Rabbit is taking us hopefully to safety, or to a better place to explain himself, at least, then it's probably best we follow.[/b]" Adam said as he ran off with the others, hopefully expecting Connor to follow as well. ----- "[b]So where are we going?[/b]" Alice asked to the rabbit in the front, hopping through the forest with incredible speeds for such a small creature. "[b]...To the Bastion, I believe mentioned before, in which none of the queen's forces would dare enter. Hopefully after explaining everything there, we can head straight towards the queen's castle.[/b]" The Rabbit responded. Alice looked at him as he explained this, as if he said something odd. She read the original book years ago, and as she recalled, the Rabbit was the queen's servant, not a particularly important servant but one nonetheless. But going by what he said to the Cheshire Cat, this Rabbit actually seems hellbent on rebellion against this queen. Se knew how brutal this woman was in the books, but how bad is she that her own servant would risk his head to take her out?