Floure ran and not for the first time did she thank the Gods and ancestors for her swift feet. She didn't look back and kept her eyes on the road. The image of Drust and Maggie surrounded by the angry crowd was burned into her mind. They were going to hang them, it was horrifying to watch. It was a painful reminder of her own sentence when they attempted to burn her alive. They villagers of Lovel had failed that day, she escaped with her life. She desperately hoped her brothers would find a way to do the same for Drust and Maggie. They had to........because she couldn't miss one of them. Her brothers and sisters, they were so dear to her. The young fortune teller had to catch her breath leaning against one of the trees surrounding the empty circus grounds. She had never seen it like this, under these gruesome circumstances. The colorful billowing ribbons and their painted wagons. It was unsettling and it didn't fill her with the usual sense of excitement and joy. It was a sad reminder of what could have been. In Croftshire she had willed her sadness to stay buried, to keep the misery spirits from feeding off of her. Now at the sight of the abandoned circus grounds with the haunting image of Drust and Maggie and Mino possessed it all became too much for her. She felt like crawling up into a ball and hide underneath the covers. When she reached her merrily painted wagon, Rawnie the sweet black kitty she had saved from drowning sat on the top of the little stairway. It looked at Floure with wide emerald eyes, probably asking itself where she'd been. She sat down with a deep sigh. Her mind was complete chaos, nothing made sense. The breeze caused her veil to sit lopsided on her head. It startled her slightly, she hadn't been aware she was still wearing it. She drew it down and a curtain of stars was gathered on her lap. A wistful look settled on her features as she watched the shimmering fabric.[i] I wish I had seen this coming, maybe I could have done something,.........[/i] She started to sob, quietly at first until her body started to shake as she cried soundlessly. She didn't try to hold it in like she'd done many times before. She didn't even feel Rawnie getting on her lap. The kitty started to lick away to tears on her face, the gesture was so sweet and unexpected that it made her sob even harder. Her crying was the only sign that there was someone at the caravan.