Jack noted Nikaido slamming her money down onto the table and nearly making the bowls nearly topple over. Jack then noted how they were each filled with pieces of heaven and attempted to stabilize as many as possible with his hands. "We are screwed if we're late, I don't know about you two, but I will literally be killed if I don't do what Death orders me to do." [i]Ughhhhh.... but the ice cream.[/i] Jack's expression stayed the general same, a rather chill childish display of amusement. Death wouldn't kill one of his allies.... right? Jack was now intrigued, perhaps the recruiter was more strict than he expected. "Jack, hon, I know you're far from finished, but I'm sorry. If you're late, I'm responsible. I have intentions on living." Jack didn't like this, he wanted to finish. No other thoughts could be created as she grabbed Jack's arm and got pushed toward the exit. Jack could have continued to eat ice cream.... He looked back and forth between the exit and ice cream before deciding he could probably drink the melted confection if he was quick enough... He followed Nikaido out of the restaurant to the base. Hopefully some remains of the unfinished ice cream will wait and anticipate his return....