[quote=IrishAngelQueen] I dont think there are any other Watchers or Sentinels. I don't know if anyone would want to Snow's mate either. I think that i should make it so that her mate was killed by an avalanch a few winters ago and she is finally open to a mate. [/quote] That's a good idea, I think. I'll add that if someone mate a Sentinel or Watcher, they can keep their actual rank. [quote=DaDrummer676] So Twinkle (do you have a perferred nickname?), do you have any plot in mind? Also, are you going to describe the wolf pack's dwelling? If you want help with anything I would be glad to assist you. [/quote] I've had kind of a plot in mind...or multiple bribes of them. I think we can make it so the goal is actually to keep the pack intact from all external threats, such as other packs and worse. I can easily come up with many events that will put us to the test, and accept any ideas you guys might have either through PMs or here directly!