"So nice of you to join us, Shirogane." Yoro said as the late SEES member entered the room. That was all he had to say about that. As soon as Shirogane took his seat, he responded to Youhei. "To be completely honest, we know very little about Tartarus." He scratched his head. "We don't know exactly what happens to things left inside of Tartarus. But..." He looked around at the other members. "We can find out." He stood up. "I know what we're going to do. We'll perform an experiment." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen. "Our first experiment will be to leave this pen in Tartarus's lobby. Then I will return early in the morning to retrieve it. Even if the experiment doesn't tell us exactly what we need to know, the information we obtain from this experiment will be very valuable." He sat back down. "Okay. I think we all have a lot to think about. We'll meet downstairs at 11:30. From now on, during the evening we should all travel together. At least until we deal with this kidnapper. Dismissed. Except for you, Akira. And you too, Shirogane." He gestured to them both.