As the Spider boy got on the roof, Mindjack pushed himself a few feet away with his tk abilities. He smiled under his helmet and looked that the guy with the X on his face. "It looks more like a free-for-all to me" He said with a shrug. "And come on, things are just getting started" he added and then he hovered above the ground for a moment before he unleashed a wave of telekinetic force like a quickly expanding dome that would go past the other two and with such power that it was like an oncoming train. [center]---[/center] Elin's face got a bit greener at what Geb did so she looked away, eating the pancake plain. No one had really waved back to her or said hi in return. They seemed to be too preoccupied with their own conversation or going away to do something else.She wasn't sure if she should say hello again but that might make her come off as weird. She took her pancake out of the kitchen and into the common room where she sat down and finished her pancakes while thinking why in the hell she was here. She didn't feel like she in. Sure, she had invaluable abilities with plants, animals and an extraordinary healing ability. She sighed and looked at her hand, making thin grass and branches grow on it for a moment before she decided to turn on the TV and the global news.