Guh... how come shit always hit the fan on days I have to be absent from the RP? Skipping back pages to find the first post that came up since I checked last and passingly spot the words "emotional blackmail" in a post on my way there? I shat bricks. Luckily it wasn't entirely as bad as I expected it to be (the situation IC is bad, certainly, but at least it did not come to OOC fighting as I feared upon seeing those words), but woah... I was seriously scared there for a minute. There's not even much that I can say or do about it, really... I know how bad Thaler is doing, and these few days during which I've had to spend my writing-time addressing matters with the new players and their races I've been doing a lot of thinking as to what was going to happen in my next post for the collab; I know almost exactly what will happen on the fighting-side of things, but I've been trying desperately to figure out how Olan would react to Thaler being the way she was, and how he could believeably do just a small bit of something to lift her spirits a little (that's proven even harder than expected, though; even though I've had him show definite signs of being the same as he was before, in most ways (though understandably a bit confused and scared right now) and even had him tell her he remembered his promise to her, she seems utterly convinced that the "old Olan" is gone for good). Beyond that... uh. I can't and won't forbid you from doing what would be natural for your character, under any circumstance, even if that meant the destruction of the group (a young squire with newly acquired abandonment issues and an elderly amnesiac: the new lone heroes of the tale), nor can I really blame you for not enjoying writing as her. I was thoroughly tired and pissed at Jaelnec when he was depressed, too, and really didn't want to write as him anymore; even with Thaler, now, I get frustrated reading about her state of mind, and she's not even my character. I can't object to Aemoten's impending reaction to a hypothetical future where Thaler left, either, for the very same reasons. I am the GM, but I am not (contrary to past accusations by players no longer among us) a dictatorial one; you and your characters have the freedom of choice, whatever that choice may be. Heck, I even made it clear that the characters could take the path of evil as well, back in the day. I trust you - all of you - to be true to your characters and the story, but I recommend that you don't make final decisions ahead of time. As this RP has proven time and time again, things very rarely go as planned, and Zerul is still far off enough for things to change before the characters get there. Not an enormous change, but it could happen. I'm not saying that it will happen, but it can. Don't decide one way or another before it is time for your character to make it's decision; only then will the character itself know what to do. And by the way, Thaler sort of already pretty much gave away the bounty on her when she gave that one guardsman her Black Sun-emblazoned blindfold, so counting on her having the opportunity to turn herself in and have the bounty go to the rest of the companions may be a bit premature. Just saying. She turned herself in already. @Legion: Sounds fine to me.