After a few rounds of pancakes and some friendly conversation which included Superboy wrecking one of the tables and Rachel throwing her knives at KF off aim the team started to disperse. Everyone went their own way and when new teammates entered the group was already split up, so they were largely overlooked. It was fun to meet everyone, a bit overwhelming maybe. She was used to being around a lot of people, her family after all was huge. Though she was not used to being around people this close to her own age, especially the boys. Amani didn't consider herself shy in any way, shape or form and she had no problem talking to guys. Although the guys she did talk to were usually also family members. It was different now, they were not family and they did not tell her what to do. So she had no reason to wrap them around her finger like she did with her dad and brothers. [i]I really need some me time now and dad's probably going to check in any minute.[/i] She thought, standing at the counter which KF had neatly cleaned up in less time than it took for her to cook a single pancake. It would be really embarrassing to have the team, or what was left of the team seeing her argue on the phone. That was an embarrassment she wanted to save herself from. Ember was the only one left of the familiar faces. KF had run off to his room she guessed, Superboy and Geb were going to the garage, probably to check out the cars and what not. She was free to go up to her room, the kitchen was clean and she didn't really feel like sticking around with most of the team gone anyway. Amani turned to Ember to let him know she was leaving too. "I'll be going up to my room, see you later?" She asked, brows slightly raised in question. She figured they would meet up for dinner at the latest so she skipped towards the hallway cheerfully. "Bye guys!" She called before entering the stairway. While she was walking up the first set of stairs it dawned on her that she actually had no idea where her room was. After the distress call Batman kind of forgot to tell them the important stuff. "Well........." She said to herself reaching the first floor. "First floor, let's see if there a room I like" It wasn't like this place wasn't big enough for them. She could probably take any room she wanted.There were a lot more rooms than she'd initially thought. [i]Alright so are guys and girls separate?[/i] Was the thing that popped into her mind, seeing several empty rooms that looked near identical.