Then I saw how many people were interested, so I made this: Name:BamGardo Bywater Sex: Male Moral Alignment: Neutral Race Name: Gnome Race Description: My definition: Gnomes are short, ranging from two to three and a half feet. They all have brilliant minds, to them building and inventing are second nature. Their physical ability ranges from gnome to gnome and one can be quiet strong, while the other can be extremely wimpy. Role/Class Name: Engineer Role Description: Engineers are not competent fighters, thieves, or magic users. Their job is to fix broken equipment and occasionally make something new, if the setting allows. Appearance: BamGardo is on the shorter side of the Gnome spectrum, at only about two and a halve feet, but what he lacks in height, he makes up for in strength. He has strong, muscly arms. He usually puts to use his arms while carrying his crossbow, which he'll often carry with him. Besides his crossbow, his other prized possession is a very beautiful handle-bar mustache. He is fair skinned with light brown hair. He will wear virtually anything, so long as it's sanitary Bio: Local wannabe inventor and repair man BamGardo, who prefers to be called Bam, spends most of his time at his local tavern looking for jobs. Since he isn't very successful and has very little money to his name, Bam has taken up hunting. So, if he isn't at the tavern or at home working on a project, you can find him out in the wilderness hunting or enjoying himself. Having only lived in his home town for about three years Bam has little friends and no close family. He isn't quite used to the local customs, as he doesn't talk to many people. Combat System:Tactical My Wish: Me:I wish for a pet. To bend to my will and make medieval cyborgs out of. Bam: To be rich and famous. I am not sure on your C.S. standards, to this is still a W.I.P.