Alright, here we go wiki can explain callsigns for us n aviator call sign or callsign is a nickname given to a military pilot, flight officer, and even some enlisted aviators. This call sign is a substitute for the aviator's given name, and is used on flight suit and flight jacket name tags, painted/displayed beneath the officer's or enlisted aircrewman's name on aircraft fuselages or canopy rails, and in radio conversations. They are most commonly used in tactical jet aircraft communities (i.e., fighter and attack) than in other aircraft communities (i.e., airlift, mobility, maritime patrol), but their use is not totally exclusive to the former. Many NASA Astronauts with military aviator backgrounds are referred to during spaceflights by their call signs rather than their first names. The origins of aviator call signs are varied. Most call signs play on or reference on the aviator's surname. Other inspirations for call signs may include personality traits, middle name, references to historical figures, or past exploits during the pilot's career. Aviator call signs nearly always must come from a member or members of the aviator's squadron, training class, or other cohort. It is considered bad form to try to give oneself a callsign and it is also common for aviators to be given a fairly derogatory callsign, and the more they complain about it, the more likely it is to stick. Some stick with the aviator forever, while in other cases an aviator might have a series of call signs throughout his or her career. For example, the late Lieutenant Kara Hultgreen, USN, was originally given the callsign 'Hulk,' because of her habitual weight training; later, after a television appearance in which she wore detectable makeup, she received the callsign "Revlon" (her biography is entitled Call Sign Revlon). however the military callsigns will be your own that you grew up with after joining the academy. They are what was used in the Academy to best describe you in one word, Liam would have been either callsign juggernaut, or callsign Champion And military ranks are as follows for the Regime Academy student: A student of the academy, the lowest rank in the military Graduate: Someone who has graduated from the academy assigned to units and sent out into the field against the resistance Techs: On par with Graduates just they specialized in hacking, info gathering and any other technical goings on Footsoldier: Standard soldier legion Graduate: Less common than standard foot soldiers, legion graduates are still graduates but are given more of an opportunity to rise in leadership roles (think ROTC reserve officer training corps) but during battle scenarios. Knight: They are still grunts but are normally in heavier armor and boasting more firepower Adjunct: Think lieutenants of the military Seeker/ Inquisitor: another branch here, seekers are military trackers while inquisitors are a part of the inquisition, same overall job however Guardian: They tend to be the Captains in an army leads a squad, squads have about 20 troops per, maybe less maybe more. Average is 20. Commander: Leader of a unit of regime soldiers units have about 1000 troops, On the same rank there are also Base Commanders Colonel: They lead about ten platoons a platoon is roughly 20 units, currently there are only 20 colonels separated across the regimes platoons Lead Inquisitors: Commanding their own arm of the inquisition, roughly 30-40 In inquisitor initiates, and 20 Inquisitors general: They are what legion graduates strive to become, Leading many different forces including their own contingent of Stormtroopers Commandant of the Guard: Leader of the Lord Marshal's honor guard Brigandier General: The leader of the troops on the Wall, their terms tend to be brief due to the intense fighting in the lower and undercities. Has the most power out of all the normal military ranks Storm-troopers and faceless are outside military jurisdiction and follow the orders given to them directly from the Lord Marshal or any one of his generals. Then we get into the leaders of the Regime, their ranks tend to be given to either family members or chosen as successors by their prowess and poise in combat and under duress. Now we get into these squad: Ranging from 4-20 they are the smallest group of soldiers Unit: A unit is 100 soldiers, no more no less, and normally do battle with other units at their sides Platoon: A platoon consists of the second highest amount of soldiers, only used during large scale warfare, tactics with a platoon are almost non existent due to the relative peace that the world has had. Army: Every single Soldier consists of the army, it is, in it's entirety, the sword and shield of the regime. Use the same terms for the resistance. But think less, squads are 4-10, units only roughly about 70-80, platoons using every unit equates to 65% of a regime platoon. Hope this answers all questions.