Geb let out a chuckle when Super Boy mistaken what Sphere was. "Na, not a ball Super bro. Sphere is that thing the first team found if I'm right." He said as he turned back to the hall and started walking towards where he thought the stairs were. Half way down the hall he turned around, well only from the waist up, to check back on SB. "So what is your real name, or should I keep calling you Super bro?" Geb asked as he continued to walk, his lower body still facing forward. "Sorry if you said it before and I forgot. I kind of have mud for brains." He smirked as he knocked on his own head. "Speaking of mud." Geb stopped, his legs still facing the wrong way, and looked over SB's shoulder back into the kitchen. He then moved his hand down to his stomach and pushed slightly, his hand entering his stomach. After a moment of rustling around Geb pulled out a small glob of grey sludge that had pieces of chewed pancakes in it and tossed it into a near by garbage can. "Sorry about that, I just can't have food sitting in me too long." He smiled as if all this was normal then turned his upper body back towards the stairs. "Oh and about a football. If you can't find one I'll happy to provide one of my own." He held up his hand as he walked and a grey glob formed in it. After a few moments it started to reshape and recolor to match a brown football, with the word 'Geb' on the side. He casually tossed it over his shoulder to SB as he reached the stairs. "Though I'll need it back." He laughed as he walked down the stairs.