[quote=Krein] "The children of Hephaestus are skilled designers," Seth reassured her, "Even I have to admit that. I wouldn't worry too much about the mechanisms failing to fit properly on our constructs."Seth looked at the forger that had made the comment, who in response looked away quickly and got to hammering away on the piece of metal he had been working on. Some of the other Hephaestus children laughed, but in the end Seth didn't say or do anything but smirk a little. His attention turned to the outside of the bunker. It was already dark outside, nighttime illuminated only by the moonlight and the fires of other cabins and campers. It had a nostalgic feel to it, reminding Seth of the time he and Morning had first arrived at camp hears ago. Nostalgia soon gave way to sadness, and that then to anger. All of these inner emotions registered only for brief, fleeting seconds on Seth's face, and soon his visage returned to its usual expressionless appearance. His attention turned to Nevea and then to the forgers "I'll be leaving momentarily," he announced. "There are some things back at my cabin that I need to check up on, and I also have to give the message to some of my half-siblings of the role they'll be playing with Angelo's defenses."The demigod left without any confirmation and began making his way to Hecate's Cabin. Other than knowing how to get there, the place was easily recognizable by its tall, marble torches and pillars, along with many magical lights and ripples that came from enchantments and other arcane items embedded on the cabin grounds and the cabin itself. A beautiful sight to behold, moreso than any other cabins in Seth's opinion.During the walk, Seth spotted someone familiar. "Is that...?"Sure enough it was. Morning, Seth's sister. A smile actually spread across his face, Morning being the only other halfblood at camp that he trusted. Of course, she was his sister, but still."Morning!" He called out as he quickened his pace to greet her. "How is everything? I hope everything back at our cabin has been patched up along with our other half-siblings. Also happened to notice you enter the Big House after I left the group of idiots in it. What exactly were you doing there?" [/quote] Nevea nodded in affirmation of Seth's compliment to the Hephaestus campers, and then the corners of her mouth raised into a slight smile at the forger's comment about Seth. She turned her gaze to the designs currently being zealously drawn up collectively between the rotation designers and firing designers. But her eyes were caught for a fleeting moment by Seth's expression changing from its normally neutral state, and the smile returned, if only for a split-second. Then she went back to watching their designs. She nodded in acknowledgement as Seth notified them as to his brief leave, and then studied the construct they had made, adjusting one or two ice areas slightly, but not enough to be of much significance other than small things she thought might be important. When finished with this, she watched the designing of the mechanisms and affirmed dimensions, and offered a few suggestions here and there, including changes of measurements of speed and other sorts of things. She made sure that the principal feature of detecting monsters was implemented in a compatible way, and then while that was happening, she made a mock ice image of the designs currently on paper. None of the intricacies, mind you, but only the outside shape of it, so as to see how the mechanisms would be properly inserted and if the constructs themselves needed to be changed. Thankfully, no change was needed. However, she did find out that the base of the construct and the current design for the rotation mechanism were slightly incompatible, and so instead of having to go through the trouble of changing all of the soon-to-be-created constructs later, they changed the slot design so as to fit the current base. Hopefully that would alleviate most problems, although the constructs wouldn't be carbon-copies, so there would probably have to be a bit of adjustment with a few of them. But that worry would come later. A few minutes later, the designs were nearly finished and completely compatible. Nevea looked the designs over, comparing them to the construct, and then tested new mock ice images fitting through the shafts. Satisfied, she approved the designs and asked them to wait for Seth to return so that he could check on their designs before they began to build. On that note, she went to the window to search for Seth. [quote=Krein] "Hm, well at the very least no one got killed by those abominations," Seth said disdainfully. He chose not to say anything more about the questers at the Big House mainly because he already finished up his business with them by granting them that crystal. It was now up to them to follow through with the quest, of which hopefully one of them would return with the Fleece."I'll have to be going soon. There is still the matter of creating defenses for the camp with Nevea and the Hephaestus kids, and I only stepped out of their cabin to handle some business with ours."Walking further, Seth finally arrived at Hecate's cabin. The place had been damaged and strewn with debris from the hellhound attack, but by now everything had been patched up and cleaned up to return the cabin and its ground to its usual impressive appearance. Seth also saw some of the wounded campers up and about, so that was good too."Time to make an announcement...."Seth walked up to the central torch on the cabin's ground, placed his hand on it, and emitted a magic that changed the orange and yellow flame on top to a more green and purple color. It was eerie to see flickering in the distance, but by now the Hecate kids had grown used to it and knew to stop and listen when they saw it."As you all have heard by now, the Golden Fleece has been stolen," Seth began, "meaning the Camp's borders will weaken and fade away, opening all of us up to attacks from monsters and anything else that may want to cause us harm. As such, the boarders will be protected through different means, and one of those means includes manned defenses."He paused for a short while, making sure everyone was still listening to him. They were still."These measures are led by Austin and Angelo along with his other half-siblings, and they are aided by children of Mars and Apollo. Capable as they may be, they will still require healers and those gifted in magic to fight against monsters. I think you already know what I'm getting at, and that's that I will demand a group of you to go and help them. You will also be providing a simple communication system by use of mystical torches that will change color to signal shift changes and other things. Now.... who will do these things?"The children of Hecate began muttering amongst themselves, debating who should go and who should stay behind. It didn't take long for some to finally speak up and make themselves known, followed by them walking towards Seth and grouping together in front of him. Seth surveyed them. It was a good sized group, and the demigods in it were known by him to be skilled in both magic and physical combat. Some of them had even been taught a few things by him, so it was an acceptable group. Seth nodded and proceeded to tell them where to go, after which they went to go and get ready before heading off. [/quote] She watched as Seth told the Hecate campers where to go. She hadn't seen the announcement, since she had been busy working with the designers, but now they were done and hopefully Seth would be, too. The Hephaestus kids kept themselves occupied by putting the finishing devices on their designs, and Nevea formed a glove of snow around her hand, forming intricate designs of frost on the window. They would melt quickly after Nevea took her attention away from them, because of the heat of the cabin, but they were beautiful while they lasted, nonetheless. She loved making these designs. She expressed herself more passionately through the frost on windows rather than through facial language and tone of voice. But only she could decipher the emotional basis behind her designs. But sometimes, her subconscious inserted things that not even she could understand or figure out. About half the time there was a bit of loneliness and melancholy embedded into the designs. She had never realised that that was what those undecipherable parts meant, and possibly wouldn't for quite a bit of time. But even still, she took joy in her designs. Every day during the winter, Nevea would form new designs on a few cabins throughout the day, which would keep there until she next redesigned them. It was a pleasuring sight to many campers, but the praise from them was actually not her primary goal in making her designs. She did them with passion, she did them to express herself in a way only she could understand. But maybe one day, just maybe, someone would understand them for what they were and share the emotions with her. Maybe not.