The hooded boy turned to look at the annoying dark boy and said in perfect monotone, "Boy, you talk too much." He looked through the open door at the young man with the white hair who was just standing there looking at everyone else on the other side of the door. He joined the others inside upon receiving a slight push from behind. When the last straggler was finally through, even though the boy apparently didn't move a muscle, the heavy metal door slid shut and a row of lights set into the ceiling lit. "Follow me," he said as he began leading the small group of gods down the long white hallway. The floor of the hall was while plastic tiles, but the walls and ceiling were merely smooth stone painted white. The wires running from light to light were secured to the ceiling and wall. After a few dozen feet, a second hallway branched off to the the right of the one the boy led the group down. He stopped and turned the lights of that area on, again without moving to do so. "This is where you will be sleeping. There are extra rooms, two beds in each. You will be able to see inside the rooms later on." There was a door set into the wall on the other side of the main hall, but the boy ignored it. He continued walking but soon stopped again in front of two openings in the wall to the right. "Restrooms," the boy said simply. He expanded upon that after a moment though. "The one on the left is meant for women, the right for men. If you wish to sneak into the other side for any reason, first think of how dangerous that could be." The boy seemed to stare pointedly at the girl with blonde hair for a moment. Actually, he was mildly interested in how the girl would react to water. "There are toilets, urinals for the men, baths, and showers enough for you all. I am uncertain as to how the hot water is, so if you have a problem with it please bring it to my attention. Again, you will be free to explore this place later." The hall soon ended, and with it the row of lights. A square of blackness and the hints of their footsteps echoing back at them signaled that the space beyond was much more open than the narrow hallway. When the lights turned on, that much was made clear. The room was huge, easily as large as a football field, most likely slightly larger. To the right of where the hall met the massive space was an area designed to be a kitchen. There was cabinets and wood counters and shiny new appliances everywhere. Set up in the left close corner of the room, a counter surrounded by bar stools marked one edge of the kitchen area, with a wall made of panes of glass ten feet high separating it from the rest of the space. The wall of panes of glass continued after a short gap directly in front of where the hall entered the space to run another twenty feet before ending. In that space was a large dining table already set with silver plates enough for many more people than were gathered behind the boy. He hadn't known how many would actually be using the space, so he had assumed too many. Beyond the table were a couple of long desks set against the glass separation wall, and beyond those was what looked to be every sort of amusement one might expect from both an arcade and a bar. There were dartboards and pinball machines, old arcade game machines and farther down there was what looked like a pitching machine. The boy had gotten creative with what he imagined others would need to keep entertained over a long period of time, but he still suspected he had missed the mark. Times changed too fast for him to know what people liked. People still liked darts, right? Ignoring the small part of the massive space set aside for food and relaxing, the boy continued on past the separation wall into the main part of the room, where the parallel between the space and a football field was made even more apparent. The floor of the huge room marked by various lines, though if it was meant for any kind of sport or game the type was unknown. The entire space was filled with the sound of moving water. From holes in the far wall gushed arcs of water, falling into holed in the floor that were filled with more moving water. Similar holes dotted the floor of the room, though those nearer to the center of the space were covered by metal grills to prevent people from getting their foot stuck. The closer leftmost wall rose at least a hundred feet before meeting the stone ceiling far above. That entire wall was covered in ridges and bumps and cracks, made for climbing. The only feature of note on the far right wall was a couple of basketball hoops attached to the wall. A heavy loop of chain fell down from the ceiling to the floor direct across from where the hall entered the room, though what its purpose could be was hard to say. The boy stopped near the center of the room and turned around, gesturing for those following to line up in a row in front of him. To make things easier there was a line on the floor. "Welcome to your new home," the boy said as he put his hood down, "My name is Jay, and I will be taking care of you while you stay here. You will now introduce yourself one at a time to the others. You will be living with these people, so try to make a good impression, or don't. I doesn't matter much either way. Starting from the left I want you to step forward beside me and tell the others your name and something about yourself. After your name and short introduction I will have you do something else. I'll just let the first person show you what that is by example."