I remember MotN and I discussing location, let me go check! In response to how recently, I'd say several years to even a couple decades, considering there's a decent-sized faction devoted to killing the creatures springing out of this particular area. I was hoping for us to start perhaps near the area or in a saloon nearest the area (Who doesn't love an adventure that begins in a tavern?). Considering MotN and I are working together on this, I'm reluctant to give out too much information of my own accord in case it is voted against. My idea was to have all of your characters drawn to the location and, therefore, the town for a night or two before going off to do whatever they were planning to do. MotN's character is a Slayer, so there's a good likelihood that he would become a guide sort of character for the adventure while the rest of us seek out our own motives and goals, keeping within the group for survival's sake, because of developed friendship/loyalty, whatever. There will be an overarching plot and plenty of mystery, hopefully. Here's hoping MotN can come online soon.