Since he was already on edge, Shirogane confused who Yoromatsu was addressing by first name. Seeing as how he was already in trouble being addressed with such familiarity didn't make sense, which put him off-guard for whatever came next. He didn't even have time to think about Yoro's proposed experiment with how badly his anxiety had taken over. As everyone else filed out, he snapped to attention and came forward, standing in line with where Ikeda was sitting so Yoro could better address the both of them. Then she went and surprised him again with her thugdere personality rearing its head at the wrong time, making him go wide-eyed at her flippancy. [i]Whew, you dodged the bullet there, but just barely...[/i] Despite the little misstep, or maybe that was a part of it too, she seemed like she couldn't handle the situation either. Regarding her as someone like himself--reserved in a way--he didn't see how he could possibly use her as a foil except to pretend that Yoro was speaking directly to her instead of the both of them, or he would attempt such delusion except the glaringly obvious fact he was in deeper shit than Ikeda kept him from being as far removed from the reality of the situation as he would like to be. As he stood rigid, barely containing an expression that would show how badly he wanted to run away he couldn't help wondering [i]Is this the part where I'm supposed to prostrate myself in apology...?[/i]