I am off on weekends and that's the only time I could really post/catch-up on the roleplay. And see, that means I could probably post once or twice per week. But even then, it I am busy on those weekends.... then you couldn't expect a post from me for that week. And that's why I don't think I could commit because I don't want to be lagging behind everyone else and holding the RP up. EDIT: You know what? Let me go ahead and post a placeholoder bio while I have time. Don't wait for me though, cause I can't guarantee I will be able to post anytime soon, but if this bio is allowed then I may be able to post someday, and when I [i]am[/i] able to post I'll already have a bio ready. And also, is it okay if the Slayers captured Six, but decided to 'hire him' to help them with the Area in Question? In this sense, they took most of Six's gun (like his pistols and his rifle) and they only gave him a Laser Pistol. [center](Picture may be coming at a later date)[/center] [center][b][u]John "Six" Taylors[/b][/u][/center] [b]Age[/b]: 31 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Specialty/Archetype[/b]: Commonly labeled a 'Bounty Hunter', Six's main strengths are his stealth, agility, tracking skills, and ability to survive. He is also a weapons and explosives expert. He can repair, maintain, and use almost any weapon he finds, and can create makeshift explosives if given the correct materials. He relies on stealth and prefers to use covert methods to accomplish his goals, especially if it allows him to avoid open combat altogether. While in combat he prefers to use distance, agility, and confusion on his enemies, and he always thinks ahead - setting up explosives to make his escape, and can be very creative with what he finds. He is not, in anyway, a 'soldier'. While he can handle a gun he prefers to stay out of the action, away from the frontlines, and would need to rely on allies to overcome such situations. John is not particularly accurate unless he takes his time, mostly due to the fact he is blind in his left eye; in a way this has made his right eye more dominant, but he requires timing to line the sights up correctly. [b]Appearance/Gear[/b]: John is a Caucasian with tanned skin, and short brown hair with a light stubble that he tries to keep shaved. He has a scar coming out of the corner of his left eye and is completely blind in it. [u]Custom Helmet[/u] - What was once a military hardhat is now a custom-built helmet with an added faceplate. He wears it to protect his face and head in case anything goes awry. The lenses on the helmet provide him with night vision, allowing him to see more clearly during nighttime hours or in dark places. [u]Brown Suit[/b] - A brown suit (with matching pants), although it is ragged and worn. He has a white undershirt beneath, and a red tie. [u]Cowboy Boots[/u] A pair of pointed cowboy points. [u]Laser Pistol[/u] - An energy pistol; Six carries additional energy cells. [u]Binoculars[/u] - A pair of binoculars to see further. [u]List[/u] - A list of seven names, three of which are marked off. [u]Notepad (and Pen)[/u] - A notepad with notes, drawings, and mathematical equations on it, among other things. [b]Personality[/b]: Six is quiet and reserved, preferring to only speak when necessary. He was a happy and passionate man, but his mind was shattered after the tragic death of his family. He's relentless in his pursuit of the names on his list, and is determined to complete his personal quest of vengeance; this means he will stop at nothing to continue his mission. He doesn't care for making friends, but he's smart enough to understand the value of teamwork and cooperation. If one attempts to befriend him it can take a lot to crack him open but when he does he will begin to feel more comfortable. He feels no remorse when killing his enemies, especially raiders. He has a soft-spot for woman and children, most especially young girls since they remind him of Sofia so much. An exception to his determination to his mission is when he realizes young children or women are at risk, and he literally goes out of his way to rescue them. If a child reminds him of Sofia [i]to[/i] much, he may freeze up in the middle of a dangerous situation for a moment, but he becomes nearly unstoppable in his eagerness to rescue them. [b]History[/b]: Six doesn't like to talk about his past (and to keep with that theme of obscurity I'd rather not reveal [i]to[/i] much), but he has revealed bits and pieces of it to a few accomplices. John, as he was then known, was a sort of salvager: he scavenged various items and repaired them before selling them for profit. It was a basic and decent-paying job. He was married when he was 20 to a wife named Eva, but only because she became pregnant with a child: a daughter they named Sofia. John was a very loving and passionate man but looked after his family with a fierce nature. Just seven years into this life John met a group of Brotherhood Knights... or at least he was led to believe that. In truth these 'Knights' were just a gang of Raiders who managed to get the jump on a unfortunate Brotherhood of Steel group. They strolled into John's settlement to 'examine' the valuables there, but decided to exploit John's services. Being the kind-hearted man he was, John allowed the 'Knights' to stay at his home while he repaired their power armor; Sofia was amazed at the stories they told and Eva fed them. It took quite a few days, almost a week to finish the repairs, but John managed to do it all and was paid handsomely. The 'Knights' then strolled right back out of town... Two days later, while out scavenging, John could see smoke in the distance. He panicked and quickly got to higher ground only to find out it was his very home that was being burned to the ground. He quickly made his way there but was to late; everyone in the settlement wad been slaughtered and the buildings had been burned or badly damaged. Eva was never found, although it can be assumed her body was charred beyond recognition. Sofia, however, was found; she had been beaten before being shot in the head. This drove John mad, and he lost his mind, roaming the wastelands until he passed out due to exhaustion. He was later nursed back to health by a caravan-rider and informed of the events: a group of Brotherhood Knights obliterating John's settlement before heading west. John completely changed his ways after that. He created a list of the names he remembered, and began his long quest to find and kill each one of them. It was a nearly impossible quest, but John's mind became so lost that it didn't matter to him. He would head west, stopping and asking anyone about a group of Knights, tracking down any possible leads. He effectively became a bounty hunter and accepted a slew of jobs in an effort to acquire more caps. At some point he was suffered an injury to his left eye during an explosion. It completely blinded his left eye. This accident caused him to create a helmet-mask combination that he now wears to protect against such accidents. Both lenses in the mask are night-vision capable. He made his way to New Vegas but was quickly captured by the NCR. When they discovered his skills as a sort of bounty hunter they decided to release him on condition he help out the Slayers with their mission, although they confiscated his rifle and pistols, supplying him only with a standard laser pistol. [b]Other[/b]: Six does not offer his loyalty to any one particular faction or group, but that hasn't stopped him from working alongside a number of individuals and factions. His main occupation is as a 'bounty hunter', although his true goal is to continue hunting down the people on his list. He doesn't make it a priority to actually hunt down each individual one after the other, but in his travels he will accept bounties and follow leads to capture and question anyone who he believes may be affiliated with the people on his list. He has a very strong dislike to Raiders and doesn't much like the NCR for confiscating his weapons.