While Yoromatsu's plan was sound and Youhei was confident that nothing could go wrong, he still felt a little put off by the bluntness of the dismissal. Not only was he the only SEES member without a specific job to do, he had also been expelled from the control room like so much waste matter. Maede and Silverstone both vanished off, presumably to their rooms or, Youhei thought a tad enviously, their tasks, leaving him to stew in his own juices with naught to do but... have a smoke. Which he did, if only to pass the time. An hour later and he had decked out his little spot on the roof with a chair and little table stolen from the common room. There was nothing much for him to do inside and the layout of Tatsumi Port Island was as mysterious as that of Tartarus; going out was not an option. Instead he put his feet up on the railings, with a cigar in one hand and a bottle of scotch in the other, and whiled the time away in a kind of dull, drunken boredom. He doubted that anyone would come up and dob him in to Yoromatsu; no-one ever seemed to use the roof bar Youhei, although Takahiro had occasionally... It was worrying that he found himself thinking of the little shyte in the past tense, as if he was already... He left that thought unfinished, drowning a renewed sense of apprehension and loss in a fiery mouthful of whiskey.