After a night of restless sleeping, Bruce smelled the morning dew and knew it was morning. After he had groomed his fur and shook off the nightmares lingering, he padded outside of his own private den. It was made inside a crack of the largest rock in camp. These times were hard for the pack. Enemies and predators were rising up against them, prey was scarce. The alpha noticed Stryke was keeping watch on too of his den, observing the camp. He moved to join him, but Tufang intercepted the beta before he could. The huge wolf waited patiently. Finally he moved to Stryke's side, his large muscles rippling underneath his pelt. "Morning Stryke, Tufang, and Winter." The alpha turned to Stryke. "Are the Hunters and Warriors on duty already? I want a group of warriors to check to see if the bears have retreated. I might join the patrol, and if I do I would like you to join me."