[Center]Alicia Le'roux-Lakeside[/Center] Alicia was probably the least rushed following the archer. She was hardly exerting any more strength or speed than the average human: despite the vampiric blood in her veins begging for an outlet for the vast amounts of frustrated, unfulfilled tension. She had been left thoroughly unsatisfied with the day's events. She'd been part of an only mildly successful operation, she'd not gotten a chance to fight the interesting member of the enemy party, and then she didn't even get to finish off her grunt. Oh sure, he walked away missing half of a face, but she would have much preferred the kill. Alas, one can only do so much in such a heavily disadvantaged situation. The shade of the parasol was cooling though, as they headed towards the lake. She was unsure what to think of the man she ran beside: An idiot who fruitlessly began combat without even waiting for the front line, yet the person who most efficiently dealt with his foe. What he did after getting the first kill was a mystery. She had gone as far as to offer the second Half-orc's spine to him, and yet he never took a shot. Did he honestly not notice that? A dangerous lack of care for an archer, to be sure. When Alicia arrived at the lake, alongside the inept archer, she was met with the awe-inspiring might of the queens. Corpses littered the battlefield like so many cattle at a slaughterhouse, and in the center of it all stood the blue-haired beauty and her lycanthropic mate. Normally it was an instinct to be instantly repulsed by the lupine monsters, but Alicia found her revulsion replaced by respect. Respect both for her power and for the simple fact that the attractive queen, who likely had her pick of the litter, as it were, chose the werewolf as a partner. You had to have something going to be made into a queen, after all. The arrival of a bald man holding a gnome caused Alivia to sidestep the sniveling creature. She would have likely punted it, had the beast come close to her, instead of the queen. Thankfully, the Kobold proceeded to spill his guts...rather easily, in fact. Her thoughts went to Dirge, and the desire to challenge him returned. And then Kasim decided to open his mouth. The first urge was to kill him. She could just imagine the surprise on his face as he drove a Rapier through two ribs and pierced the heart. The fountain of blood that would follow should be a delicious bit of ramification for the slander dealt against her. She knew that urge would be unfulfilled today, but it didn't stop her imagining. She walked up to Kasim and decided to do the only thing appropriate for such a slap in the face: a slap in the face. She delivered a quick blow to the archer's cheek, nothing bone breaking, but she hoped it left a red mark. "Are you done? I'm sure the Queens are delighted that you killed a single enemy..." she pauses and looks at the fields of carnage surrounding them. Had the archer really just boasted about killing one person? "...Although I'm sure they would be much less delighted when you tell them of how you spent the rest of the time seemingly playing with yourself, as opposed to helping the other fighters: A decision that has caused two members of the Queen's blades to die." Honestly, Alicia didn't even care about the deaths. The bug was interesting to look at and all, but she didn't even know the masked woman-man thing's name. Come to think of it, she didn't even know the archer's name. "Now. If you are done polishing your little short sword, you would do well to show the monarchy some respect." Alicia turned her back on Kasim, outright ignoring him. It was about as big a disrespect as she could give to the contemptible creature. Such a low birth fool, trying to play the hero. She wouldn't have even said anything if his words didn't slander her. Facing the queen of the Blades, Alicia paused to take a good, long look at both the Renaltan Queens, before offering a curtsy. "Queens of Renalta, my name is Alicia Le'roux of Liveria. To add to the archer's...report: we face three beings, only one of which was an orc, the other being half-orcs who protected the bomb. The leader called himself 'Dirge', a knightly orc who was as honourable as the archer is self-serving. He offered us the chance to retreat once the bomb was permanently sabotaged by our third surviving member." She points to Zayn, the first man to arrive. She left out a few details: the maiming of the orc, the way in which Dirge could communicate telepathically...all seemed like additions Zayn could make. She was trying to play the more humble card, after Kasim had acted the fool. It was the better way to stand out, after all.