[quote=Pepperm1nts] @Soviet: Your sheet is mostly fine, but there is something I think is just weird. That being that they have a space-station they use for a lot of things, including picking up pay-checks. It just seems really weird and impractical. I have the feeling you threw that in just because you want a space-station, regardless of how practical it would be. I mean, I can understand if they have a space-station along a popular route that works as a sort of pits stop where mining ships can stop for rest, repairs and refueling, but it doesn't make a lot of sense, to me, for it to be where almost everything is done, including collect their pay-checks. Imagine a guy on Brahma going: "Shit, honey, let me grab a ride on a spaceship so I can collect my paycheck!". Or as Vilage pointed out when I asked him how practical he thought it'd be: ""Dammit, why won't they switch to direct deposit!?"I don't know, it just seems weird. I'm going to wait for Gorgenmast/Googer and some of the other main guys (Dinh AaronMK, Vilage) to comment on this. If they think it's fine, you're accepted. If not, then you might have to either make that bit make more sense, or remove it altogether if it's determined it wouldn't really work.Aside from that though, your sheet is fine.[/quote] Heh' will fix it Edit : Fixed bro