Name - Sailcare Type - Spaceship making company Leader - Jackeith Johnson the 3rd History - Sailcare, making space travel easy. Sailcare is a company that was founded 60 years ago by the man Jackeith Johnson the 1st. They gave more jobs and they gave good paycheques. The early days where easy for the company, with the spaceship making business small they had little competition. Once they all landed on Brahma Jackeith Johnson the 2nd took full control of Spaceship making. By becoming partners with almost every country on Brahma Sailcare got even richer. They started out by creating colonisation ships that can hold extra food and water. They then moved on to mining ships, which had mining lasers attached to the bottom. Jackeith Johnson the 3rd has taken over and he is a bit nicer then his father. but he still goes by what his dad said. Talk em up as high as you can then say you will remove the partnership if they don't give you the money. Sailcare, flying to the future.