[quote=Sovi3t] Also, once I get my space station up and running + the military branch I need to have an allowed number of drill/mining sitesAnd since I'm the first Mining Organization, can I make some fictional ores or you guys got that? [/quote] I'd be cool with you making them up yourself, so long as they make sense. Do a bit of research so your fictional stuff is backed by some degree of realism. [quote=The Blue Sylph] Thinking of making a sort of PMC/Industry big company that came about by an alliance between a merc or ex-military folks and a daring entrepreneur who do recognizance into locales outside of the safe zone for materials, resources and good locations, go clear them out, secure a route and establish and outpost for the company to then acquire the materials and either use it in their industry or sell them or even the outpost off to the nations. Think that may be possible, Pepperm1nts? I could also maybe just do the military side and perhaps ally with the mining company we got so far if it seems like two much what I propose. [/quote] That would be completely fine. If they are clean mercs, they could be based in a nation in the safe-zone. If they are dirty mercs, you should consider being based in some law-less city-state beyond the safe-zone.