Imam start working on app. Waiting to see what the Brazil-based nation is like first since they're going to be based there. Name- New Dawn Inc Type - Scientific corporation interested in the development of humans into being part of the ecosystem of Brahma. Yes, scientific corporation, that is now a thing. The nature of New Dawn Inc is very much based around genetic research, biotech and understanding the alien life of brahma. More recently they also have taken efforts in integration of the Tkrai and their anthropology. They are a very for-profit organization, and often sell products like synthetic organs or some of the less dangerous wild life as pets. Usually they are a supplier, with only one known company store located in ______. Outside of their consumer products New Dawn Inc is known to often take part in the understanding of Brahma in the name of integration of humanity to their new- and borderline only home. They have multiple outposts outside the safe zone, often situated in the southern regions of the planet and wherever a point of interest has been found [for instance any areas deemed to have high biodiversity or any evidence of historical batpeople civilizations]. Due to the hostile nature of a good share of the wild life, especially the mega fauna New Dawn Inc has made regular use of mercenary groups and free lancers to guard out posts and a few of their hidden tech firms. New Dawn Inc as of more recent has been making use of batmen auxiliaries whenever there's a shortage of hired guns. New Dawn Inc is not liked by the advocacy groups due to their constant experimentation on the batpeople and staunch refusal to let batmen work in any position that involves doing science or research. However, they still are known to employ the pips more than your average corporation. Leader - Aldo Kimira [he be mixed heritage; part Hispanic and part east-asian] History - New Dawn Inc has its roots in its leader, Aldo Kimira who as a kid lived on the colony world of Talos. Talos was notable for its tropical climates, fair weather, relatively high yet harmonious urbanization and being among the wealthier worlds terra formed in the golden age. Born from a rich family and heavily educated from birth he would find his passion in astrobiology. When the opportunity came, he went off world from Talosm leaving his family behind to explore the mysteries of the universe. In doing so, he would probably have grown to be just another plain astrobiologist. But than came the Listeners... For as the interstellar ship he was in was in the process of going to the outer colonies- the listeners struck. The news of the event caused the pilot of the ship to retreat off the normal course to where the listeners were not. As Aldo and the group he was assigned with, including the three other founders of New Dawn Inc found themselves fleeing to safety with a couple dozen others the colony of Talos was reduced from its near-paradise conditions to smoldering ash with what few stragglers left in the cave towns eventually dying from radiation poisoning. The only reason Aldo would make it to Brahma would be sheer luck- just being in a small expeditionary craft that happened to be able to get into the safety of a military squadron headed towards the only world that remains safe to this day. [[to be continued later. Yes Aldo is a old person.]]