Just as Conquest was preparing to move, his Keeper's focus shifted to something in the sky. Even before the impostor followed suit, he sensed it as well. Dark energy, while not the First Horseman's specialty, was familiar enough to him so that his magical senses could recognize it. Moreover, he could tell that this particular singularity was somewhat familiar; though he couldn't be sure, he had a dreadful guess as to its nature. When the runic meteor had settled, casting its malevolent red light into the sundered crypt chamber and upon the exposed Heart, Conquest watched with keen interest. Even from a hundred feet away, the sheer power of the artifact was casting a pressure upon him. This pressure became more evident when Calvertem's spectral imps reluctantly attempted to move it, ending their pitiful existence and amusing Conquest in the process. He made note of its degenerative aura and was already seeking a solution to move it when the necromancer put his Walkers to the task, solving the problem. The voice that emanated from the artifact wasn't meant for Conquest, but he heard it all the same. Upon hearing the ethereal, vengeful voice, his suspicions were all but confirmed. He let Calvertem exchange with the being, and wasn't surprised when he was turned to for advice. The man of flame decided to release some information pertaining to the bargain-seeking entity. “You can count on it to give you its power, but you can never be sure that the power will not destroy you. Wanton destruction is its very nature. The being whose voice reaches into our minds from that stone is called the Ripper, once an all-powerful Antikeeper called the Weaver, who was unable to stop the legendary Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In retribution, its master took away its powers, and the vacuum left behind caused it to change into an all-consuming creature of wrath.” He hoped that he hadn't given up too much knowledge, but he wasn't too worried about the consequences. Caution simply wasn't part of his character. “Fortunately destruction is in my nature as well. I say do it.” -=-=- It did not take long for the Swarm Keeper to locate her new construct. As instructed, Invicta had created a perimeter around the tree. The ground defenses were completely Myrmidon, with each soldier hidden behind his shield to prevent any possible sniping from the cover of the jungle. Every hour the sentries swapped out for another so that all could remain vigilant and well-rested; to prevent this being taken advantage of, Invicta had cleverly made sure that all swapping was asynchronous. Landing in a foxhole that her construct was currently using as a sort of base, Clotho awaited a report. “No movement so far,” Invicta shrilled, contorting the keening shriek of an insect into piercing speech. Language was a talent Clotho had instilled in her alone—the average Myrmidon was only capable of clicks and growls. “You have completed a new troop, mistress?” “Indeed I have. The Lambents are aerial troops, able to get the drop on anyone through the dense canopy and rain down caustic fluid onto their ranks. With the Lambents above and the Antlions below, we should be...?” Clotho found herself interrupted by the arrival of a drone imp, which impudently and brainlessly began to vocalize to her. While irritating, Clotho could not blame the creature she had designed. It only took a few seconds to relay the urgent information. “Ah, it seems your troops haven't long to wait. This drone, stationed in the Compound of Eyes, saw the approaching humans through a lucky Macula. And here I was thinking that imps were too stupid to come in useful once in a while.” Clotho then beat her wings and rose above the ground. With a earsplitting cry, she summoned the Lambents -now numbering sixteen- from their hive and the Antlions from their colony. “Take your positions, Lambents among the trees and Antlions tunneling below the ground. A birds-eye view and a sense for tremors should allow both of your species to pinpoint their location. I will join you Lambent fliers. On my signal we will strike from above to divide their forces. Once split, you Antlions will erupt from the ground and wreck havoc among them to draw their attention. Myrmidons will emerge from your tunnels and engage. Should be quick and easy; we have nature on our side. If the hero is with them, wait to engage until the other humans are sufficiently occupied. Then attack all at once. Only fools have their mooks attack one at a time.” A razor-toothed grin appeared on her face. She pulled her rapier from the notch on her lower back where it was stored. “Let us begin.” [hider=status] Location: Dungeon Dungeon: Jungle north of Saploya River, N16°W12° An nearly complete, vast hive spanning the length, width, and height of a massive, ancient tree in the jungle. The hive itself is constructed of a magically-created liquid that expands and hardens into a stiff, paperlike substance upon exposure to air. The main body of the hive is suspended by countless support struts that reach for hundreds of feet in every direction. The Dungeon Heart is situated at the very top of the tree. Bugs called Macula infest it, functioning as living security cameras and alarms. Currently has: Dungeon Heart, Myrmidon Den. Living Foundry, Apothecary, Macula infestation, Antlion Colony, Compound of Eyes, Lambent Nest Forces: 28 Drone Imps, 100 Myrmidons, Myrmidon Construct Invicta, 37 Antlions, 16 Lambents, Adjunct Baudrii, alchemist Rammel Vitreus, alchemical assistant Kayla Oakhurst [/hider] [u]Compendium Entry[/u] Pestilence – The Scourge of Man and one of the three Apocrypha of Elysium. Primarily called Malady. Former leader of the Blighted Men and a witch doctor. Her black skin is heavily tattooed, and she is garbed in a sleeveless lavender robe accented by leather armor, putrid green lengths of cloth, and stained bandages. Holds an innate trust in the cause. A formidable aegromancer, capable of killing dozens with airborne diseases of her own creation. Wields a barbwire spear infused with her noxious powers.