Moira looked toward Wolf, she was reluctant to talk about her worries in truth. Let alone talking about the with a wolf she barely knew, she didn't think it was the time to say anything on her mind. [b][i]The child I have been watching over, his mind is full of doubt, I am worried about him…[/b][/i] She thought toward the large wolf, she sighed audibly. [b][i]Perhaps I made the mistake of bringing him here, perhaps we should not be here.[/b][/i] She huffed and chuckled to herself, realizing she had begun to doubt herself as well. [b][i]My apologies…[/b][/i] Moira sighed, getting up and stretching out, her tails releasing energy as if it were air. --- As he was pushed away by the telekinetic attack Arachnid shook his head to re-focus on everything around him, he aimed his hand forward. A line of webbing shot out from the devices on his wrist, speeding toward the one who initiated the attack that landed him in the predicament in the first place. The second shot of webbing was going toward the one with the X. He’d use the webbing to pull them both down from the building and into the alley by force when/if it made contact. --- Mason sighed and did his last pull-up, he had been on his 500th repetition, he removed his shirt and mask due to the sweat. He was curious to know what else was happening around the house, he made his way back up the stairs, his clothing in hand. He wasn't sure what he was doing here at all, he didn't feel like he belonged. This place seemed to be full of happiness, someone full of these emotions did not belong in such a place. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a fresh, green, crisp apple. He plunged his long, sharp, pearl white canine teeth into the apple. He was grinning happily as he left the kitchen and sat on the couch, enjoying his apple.